Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Desires of the Heart

I can't recall that I've ever wanted anything so badly, that I literally ache for it. I mean, I've lusted after things before, and been very hopeful for things. But to really ache for something, and that something be one of those everyday (at least some might consider it everyday) gifts of nature, that we come to expect. Like having children. Most of us never know the feeling of wanting a baby, and for whatever reason, being told that we might not be able to have that. There are so many reasons, maybe unable to conceive, maybe its a health risk to the mother or the baby, maybe the time or circumstances just aren't right.

I have a close friend who is in this place right now. And, I'm stepping out there to guess that she also feels her biological clock ticking. She would desperately love to have a child, while she is still physically young enough. Please keep my friend in your prayers. She faces a few obstacles before she can even consider attempting to conceive. Pray that God might find it in his good and perfect will for her to have a healthy baby. And to remember that regardless of the outcome, God always has her best interests as the desires of His heart.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Becky, beautifully written.