Try as I might to poo-poo Fall, I still find myself reveling in her beauty, her smells, the way the sunlight becomes golden and harsh, and my shadow is long on ground. I still find myself anxiously anticipating soup on the stove and a fire in the fireplace. I still love Fall. I'm a fool for her, even as she laughs at me, beckons me into winter, teasing me with her brilliant colors and warm sun.
A few of my Fall favorites:
Warm sun among cool, crisp breezes
Pumpkins and Mums on the front porch steps
Honeycrisp Apples, and trips to the Apple Farm
Starbucks Gingersnap Latte and Pumpkin Spice Latte
Bonfires...even the neighbors burning leaves all weekend long.
Apple Spice scented candles
Ga. Bulldawg Football
Monday Night Football,
High School Football...heck, just football in general
Seeing the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance, dressed in brilliant colors of crimson, gold, yellow, and green.
Hiking the woods around my house, basking in those colors.
The way the trees are mirrored in our lake, turning the water a kaleidoscope of colors.
Driving into the mountains, looking for the best boiled peanuts and apple cider.
"Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting, and autumn a mosiac of them all." Stanley Horowitz
Me too Becky. Even though in the back of my mind I am dreading what comes after fall, so that makes it a little sad, still, it is a beautiful time of year. If we could just go from fall to spring I'd be a happy girl.
okay, is that glorious fall photo right now? because I'll be there tomorrow if it is!!!
Oh my goodnes, yes!! I do, do, do love fall too. And your delightful list makes remember just why and just how much!! (By the way, I want to eat up that picture of figs too!)
Nice blog. Sounds like you're somewhere close to me. I'm in Ringgold. Anyway, enjoyed the writing.
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