This is my lake. Over 500 miles of beautiful, island like scenery. Fresh water, straight from the mouth of the lovely Chattahoochee River. The Chattahoochee flows down "out of the Hills of Habersham, into the Valleys of Hall" (from the poet Sidney Lanier,
Song of the Chattahoochee) forming the beauty that is Lake Lanier

. We have a little cabin nestled here, along the shoreline. For the past few years, our lake has suffered. The ravages of drought, and questionable decisions by the government and the Corp of Engineers has drained this beauty dry. Her shores have been left ragged, cracked red mud, and empty. But, with the rains of late, she is finally refreshed, returning to her natural beauty.

I think I'll go swimming today. I probably won't make it before noon, but this is a picture of Lake Lanier in the early morning. I love it when the lake looks like this, smooth and calm, before the boaters arrive to break up the stillness. They come in droves, heading north to my lake from the big city, eager to escape the chaos that is the "ATL." I hope today, being a weekday, the lake will be quiet. I want to sit under the umbrella, on the dock, and read...without being jostled by boat traffic, without listening to the constant whine of jet skis.
I long for a quiet, still, early morning on the lake. God is there in the mornings. When I arrive down on the shore early in the morning, I feel Him. He whispers to me in the wind that dances in the tall pines. He laughs with me in the busy chirping and singing of the morning birds. He touches my cheek in the gentle warmth of the rising sun. I'll go there and visit Him this week. He will refresh me like the rains have refreshed my lake...full, alive, new. I love this reminder, "His mercies are new and fresh every morning" for me, and for you.
Mizz Rebecca,
Those are some beautiful pictures! His beauty is amazing isn't it?
Thinking of you and keeping you close in my heart :)
Kathi :)
Oh, you're killing me, you're killing me!! What I wouldn't do for a lake stretching out from my back door as far as the eye can see. Okay, I won't begrudge you your joy : )!! Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope you enjoyed your morning!
It's beautiful and so peaceful without the boats of course. Was the dip cool and refreshing?
I grew up on a lake and loved the light reflecting on the water.
Thank you for offering to bring me armloads of hydrangeas if we lived nearby. Do you think you could mail me some instead??? : ) Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!
What beautiful pics, and what a nice sanctuary you have there. Isn't it nice to have such a special place?
(((my dear friend)))
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